Learn More About RPP

How RPP started

9Based in Lancaster, PA, Referral Partners Plus is a business referral organization that brings together business owners and representatives for the purpose of getting to know and trust each other so that we can feel confident in giving referrals that help our fellow members grow their businesses. 

Online networking is popular, but in-person networking is much more valuable, and RPP provides regular opportunities to meet fellow business owners and to get to know them. Within RPP, many members form strategic partnerships. For example, a roofer and a painting contractor can give each other referrals on a regular basis. So can a realtor, a mortgage lender, and a title insurance company.

RPP began when some business professionals who had benefitted from membership in a different referral organization decided to make a good thing even better by starting a new referral group, a group focused entirely on businesses in Lancaster County. RPP started in 2016, and our growth has been steady. 

Where RPP is Now

We started with 4 chapters and have grown to 10, with over 150 members and counting. RPP is a non-profit organization that not only generates referrals but also gives back to the community by donating time and money to local non-profit organizations. While all ten of our chapters are currently based in Lancaster County, we are excited to continue growing and expanding beyond the county to bring the value of our networking group to even more business owners.

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.”

– Amy Poehler

Where RPP is going

While much of the world  is now virtual and often impersonal, RPP uses in-person human collaboration to build relationships and friendships. At our meetings and social events, members can spend time together and get to know each other. Then, because we know that a fellow member is a person of skill and integrity, a person who provides excellent professional services, we can feel comfortable when we give a referral.

Medium group of business owners socializing in photo from above with geometric shape overlays

Still Have Questions?

Different chapters meet either weekly or bi-weekly, and it’s important for our members to have good attendance so that we can all get to know each other. That way, we can feel comfortable in giving referrals. 

We currently have 11 chapters, and each chapter has its own meeting place. 10 are in Lancaster County, and wherever you may be in the county, you can find a meeting fairly close to you. We  also have a chapter that meets in Manchester, York County. 

Absolutely. In fact, we strongly encourage our members to make the rounds of all the chapters. Visiting other chapters can be especially beneficial if your category is not filled in another chapter. For example, if you happen to become the only person in your category in RPP, you’ll certainly benefit from introducing yourself to all the RPP members. 

Yes. Our annual dues for RPP are currently $250, and different chapters have fees for meals and for rental of meeting spaces. These vary from chapter to chapter. 

Yes. Within every RPP chapter, each member has exclusive claim to his or her category. That means that if you’re a roofing contractor, you’ll be the only roofing contractor in your chapter. Other roofing contractors may join RPP, but you will have exclusive claim to the roofing category within the chapter that you join.

The purpose of our business networking group is to give referrals. So, we have an expectation that each member will give at least 2 referrals every month.

No one, and everyone. Referral Partners Plus is non-profit referral group, and all of our board members are volunteers.